Alternative Development

The illicit cultivation of plants destined for drug production requires intervention on its causes, which are fundamentally the dependency generated by the drug economy. This is why it is necessary to promote new opportunities for legal and sustainable economic development. In line with the progress made in the regulatory framework in recent years, alternative development initiatives constitute a supply reduction strategy.

The evolving understanding of Alternative Development is also linked to a broader understanding of the illicit drug supply chain as a highly profitable global business model at the highest levels of criminal organisations involved in drug-related crime.

In this context, alternative development in rural and non-traditional settings becomes an effective and sustainable development-oriented measure. Ultimately, to address the socio-economic vulnerabilities of populations dependent on illicit drug-related activities and to promote their transition to licit economies.

COPOLAD III will develop in this area trainings, study visits, reports as well as consultancies to improve the training and knowledge of this strategy in the countries and will try to promote the implementation of alternative development measures in the countries.

1 implementing partner:

GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)