Participantes / Aliados
COPOLAD is a cooperation programme funded by the European Commission Directorate General for International Associations (INTPA). This is the body responsible for formulating the EU’s international association and development policy, with the ultimate goal of reducing poverty, ensuring sustainable development and promoting democracy, human rights and the rule of law throughout the world.
Latin American and Caribbean countries and their institutions will be the protagonists of COPOLAD III, as the programme responds to their priorities and strategies to improve their public policies.
The programme is led by FIIAPP, a public foundation in Spanish Cooperation in consortium with the Italo-Latin American Association (IILA). In addition, the programme has the technical collaboration of two important colaborating partners: the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
COPOLAD III will also have the collaboration of the institutions of the Member States of the European Union, European cooperation agencies and programmes, specialised international and regional organisations and networks of civil society organisations working in the field of drugs and development. We also coordinate with other European programs such as PacCto, EuroFront or Eurosocial +.
AIAMP – Ibero-American Association of Public Prosecutors: agreements to improve the use of undercover agents in international drug trafficking investigations and to enhance the capacities of public prosecutors in the comprehensive approach to drug trafficking cases involving women.
GAFILAT (Latin American Financial Action Task Force) and CFATF (Caribbean Financial Action Task Force): exchange of information on asset recovery and harmonization of regulatory frameworks (money laundering prevention measures and best practices on parallel financial investigations). Regarding the Caribbean office, CFATF: COPOLAD promotes collaboration with CEPOL (the European Police College).
COMJIB – Conference of Ministers of Justice of Ibero-American Countries for the Construction of a ‘Regional Pact for a criminal policy on drugs based on proportionality and criminal alternatives’.
The program has consolidated alliances with civil society organizations:
The American Network of Interventions in Situations of Social Suffering (RAISSS).
The Ibero-American Network of NGOs working on Drugs and Addictions (RIOD)
The International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
EU (Financier)
European Union
International Latin American Foundation for Public Administration and Public Policies
Italo-Latin American Organization
Collaborating partners
EUDA (Supranational)
European Drugs Agency
GIZ (Germany)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH