What is Copolad?

COPOLAD is a delegated cooperation programme funded by the European Union with a budget of €15 million and an execution time of 4 years from February 2021.
Within the framework of the principles on which the new EU strategy on drugs is based, the programme will accompany the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in improving their drug policies. The aim is to support the achievement of better results in relation to the promotion and defence of human rights, gender fairness, public health, citizen security and other dimensions of sustainable development. These are crucial, pressing aspects for addressing the challenges that the health, economic and social crisis caused by COVID-19 is generating in the region.
The third edition commenced in 2021, led by the International and Ibero- American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP), in a consortium with the Italo-Latin American International Organization (IILA), and in coordination with the German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).
Building on the progress made in the previous stages, COPOLAD III will continue to promote technical cooperation as well as political dialogue between Latin America, the Caribbean and the EU, to support the region in the implementation of more effective drug policies and with results that substantially improve the lives of people and, especially, of the most vulnerable.
COPOLAD III combines the now traditional bi-regional and multi-country collaboration spaces with direct technical assistance interventions to meet national needs and promote transformative and innovative interventions, mobilising European, Latin American and Caribbean public expertise in bilateral, triangular and South-South cooperation schemes.