Reduction of the illegal drug market
The previous phases of COPOLAD have achieved successful results in the field of reducing the illegal drug market, through the exchange of information, experiences and intelligence, as well as good practices and lessons learnt in the areas of interdiction, money laundering, asset recovery and precursor control. In this third phase, the following main pillars will be addressed alternative crop development, controls over chemical precursors for manufacturing drugs, police and judicial cooperation in contrast, money laundering and asset recovery, betting on the promotion of evidence-based public policies in the field of drug supply control with a rights- based approach.
Through this result, COPOLAD III is committed to reducing the negative impact on sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean of public policies based exclusively on the interdiction of drugs, arrest and prosecution of the players in the illicit market. The proposed actions aim to support public policies that offer comprehensive solutions, which combine solid intelligence work with citizen security and development measures, decent employment, social protection, legality and trust in institutions, prioritising the interests of the most vulnerable groups and women.
It is proposed to integrate the activities with actions that promote the exchange of experiences, good practices on reforms, regulations and interventions in supply control with a human rights approach,as well as exchanges and technical assistance to promote the review of criminal law, proportionality of the law for crime and drug trafficking and awareness of the impact of the drug production and trafficking industry on the environment.
Likewise, synergies will be established with other regional programmes such as El PAcCTO, I-CAN, EUROFRONT and EUROSOCIAL+.
Lines of action
3.1.1 Thematic workshops on Comprehensive and Sustainable Alternative Development: 4 thematic webinars and 1st Dialogue Forum on Alternative Development and the Environment. 4 thematic webinars and 2nd Dialogue Forum on Alternative Development and Innovative Approaches.
3.1.2 Organisation of thematic study visits: Organisation of a study visit to a “country of reference” in Alternative Development. Organisation of a study visit to one of the countries that have recently incorporated Alternative Development in border areas or rural areas.
3.1.3 Third Dialogue Forum
3.1.4. Conducting a study on Alternative Development to drug crops (CSAD). Conducting a study to analyse good practices in innovative approaches in DAIS in LAC, based on the results of the needs assessment.
3.1.5. Training in gender and CSAD Design, programming and development of virtual training modules for all countries on the gender approach in CSAD policies.
3.2.1 International cooperation in intelligence and drug trafficking investigations 2 bi-regional webinars to share information on the modus operandi of transnational criminal organisations Support for the creation and implementation of a network of experts on drug market analysis in collaboration with the EMCDDA.
3.2.2 Capacity building and regulatory harmonisation regarding special investigation techniques and their implementation Multi-country activities per year by the Working Group on special investigation techniques 30 Technical assistance actions to strengthen capacities in Special Investigation Techniques
3.2.3 Support for inter-agency coordination in drug trafficking interdiction tasks. 3 Multi-country activities per year by the Working Group on international cooperation in intelligence and drug trafficking investigations. 50 Technical assistance actions to strengthen regulations, interagency coordination and databases that facilitate international cooperation against drug trafficking.
3.3.1 Strengthening systems to prevent and combat money laundering, and support for improving international police and judicial cooperation on money laundering. 12 bi-regional webinars on money laundering investigation methods (including cyber-laundering) and the management of confiscated assets. 4 multi-country activities per year by the working group on asset laundering prevention systems 40 Technical assistance actions on regulatory harmonisation, inter- institutional coordination in the fight against money laundering and police and judicial cooperation.
3.3.2 Strengthening financial and asset intelligence systems 2 multi-country activities per year by the working group on financial and asset investigation. 30 technical assistance actions on financial and asset investigation.
3.3.3 Strengthening systems for the use of confiscated property and assets and their use for social use 3 multi-country activities per year by the working group on the recovery and management of confiscated assets, including their recovery for social use. 30 technical assistance actions on the recovery and management of confiscated assets, and their recovery for social use.
3.4.1 Strengthening cooperation between the EU and LAC in the international control of chemical precursors 2 seminars/workshops to exchange experiences and strengthen bi- regional cooperation and exchange information and intelligence on the control of precursors.
3.4.2 Strengthening technical capacities in the field of control of chemical precursors. 8 training webinars on specialised topics in the field of precursor control Technical assistance and mentoring in relation to the different work dimensions of the agencies for the inspection and control of precursors with those countries interested in developing improvement plans for said agencies.
3.4.3 Improvement in the processes for the management and disposal of seized chemical substances Bi-regional webinar on best practices in the management and disposal of seized chemicals and their safety and environmental protocols. In-person workshop for programming improvements to the national systems for the management and disposal of chemical substances seized from drug trafficking. 1 study visit to a country that has an advanced system for the management and disposal of seized chemicals, by countries interested in strengthening their own systems. Technical assistance and mentoring for the improvement processes of the national systems for the management and disposal of chemical substances seized from drug trafficking.
3.5.1 Support for improving the response and proportionality of penal frameworks relating to drug-related challenges Bi-regional webinar aimed at decision makers on drug policies and legislation, on disproportionality, impact and options for improving the criminal law on drugs in LAC and, specifically in relation to women. 3 technical assistance actions for a legal analysis and to develop draft proposals for reviewing criminal laws on drugs in interested countries 3 national workshops for the presentation and discussion of the revision proposals and to develop a legal/regulatory reform roadmap.
3.5.2 Support to develop alternatives to arrest or incarceration for minor drug offences Bi-regional webinar to exchange experiences/good practices between the EU-LAC on alternatives to arrest/imprisonment. 5 Technical assistance actions for prior feasibility analyses to develop alternatives to arrest/imprisonment in interested countries 5 national innovation laboratories to design innovative and multidisciplinary proposals for alternatives to arrest/imprisonment directed at interested countries and to design national roadmaps. Technical assistance and mentoring to support the development of the roadmaps.
3.5.2 Support to develop alternatives to arrest or incarceration for minor drug offences Bi-regional webinar on best practices in the management and disposal of seized chemicals and their safety and environmental protocols. In-person workshop for programming improvements to the national systems for the management and disposal of chemical substances seized from drug trafficking.